SIS_DEFAULT="Color temperature of monitor white point:"
SIS_QUEST_RUN="Activate settings with every Windows start?"
SIT_MONTEMP="Setting of monitor white point:"
SIS_MONTEMP="Please enter color temperature of monitor white point:"
SIS_ERROR="Error ..."
SIS_ERR_WINDOW="Window cannot be created!"
SIS_ERR_PROG="Program is already running!"
SIS_ERR_CLASS="Cannot registrate window class!"
SIS_ERR_GAMMA="Your hardware or driver doesn't support gamma correction! Program will be terminated."
SIS_ERR_EDIT="Invalid value: Please enter value between 5500 K and 10000 K."
SIT_HELP="Monitor white point HELP"
SIS_HELP_EDIT="Here you can define the color temperature of the monitor white point. You can choose a value between 5500 and 10000 Kelvin. The default setting is 9300 Kelvin."
SIS_HELP_OK="Program ends. Changes are saved."
SIS_HELP_CANCEL="Program ends. Changes are rejected."
SIS_HELP_EDIT= "Here you can define how often the zoomed content of the miroSCOPE shall be refreshed. The minimum is 50 milliseconds which refreshes the image 20 times per second. The maximum is 32767 which refreshes the image every 32 senconds. We recommend a default setting of 100."
SIS_HELP_OK= "Program ends. Changes are saved."
SIS_HELP_CANCEL= "Program ends. Changes are rejected."
SIS_HW_UNKNOWN= "The installed software does not correspond to the installed graphics board! Therefore the system cannot be configured!"
SIS_HW_TOSINGLE= "Only one supported graphics board is installed! Your system can only be configured for this board!"
SIS_HW_CHECK= "The installed software does not correspond to the installed graphics board! Select <Yes> to repeat the installation or abort!"
SIS_HW_BUSCHECK= "The selected bus type for board 1 does not correspond to the hardware. Shall the bus type be corrected?"
SIS_SW_BOXCHECK= "Please complete the dialog!"
SIS_SW_NOCOMBI= "This board combination is not supported! Please change your configuration!"
SIS_SW_NOTINST= "You have installed the wrong software! Your system cannot be configured! Please install again!"
SIS_SW_C8VL= "A miroCRYSTAL 8S with VESA local bus can only be used in a single screen configuration! Install miroCRYSTAL 8S for single-screen configuration."
SIS_NOPOWER= "This monitor does not support VESA-DPMS."
SIS_OFFPOWER= "Does your monitor have to be switched on manually after attaching the OFF state?"
SIS_SUPPOW_A= "You have installed a "
SIS_SUPPOW_B= " and activated miroPOWERSAVE. Check, if your monitor supports VESA-DPMS! If not it will be damaged!"
SIS_ERR_MONFILE= "Error when reading the file OCTO.MON!"
SIS_SW_DIP= "The frequency selected with the DIP switches doesn't correspond with the selected monitor. Please correct their settings!"
Exit Help="Exit Help"
Monitor size="Monitor size"
After adjusting the rulers to show centimeters or inches on the monitor, page previews will be displayed in a one to one relationship between what appears on the monitor and final output.="After adjusting the rulers to show centimeters or inches on the monitor, page previews will be displayed in a one to one relationship between what appears on the monitor and final output."
The entry under Monitor size should match the size of the visible screen area on your high-resolution monitor.="The entry under Monitor size should match the size of the visible screen area on your high-resolution monitor."
To use the setting for each startup, copy the miroSIZE icon into the Program manager StartUp group and select the Minimize box in the properties dialog.="To use the setting for each startup, copy the miroSIZE icon into the Program manager StartUp group and select the Minimize box in the properties dialog."
The miroSIZE CALIBRATION tool lets you adjust the monitor display dimensions to the printed result.="The miroSIZE CALIBRATION tool lets you adjust the monitor display dimensions to the printed result."
The vertical and horizontal resolution will normally be the same.="The vertical and horizontal resolution will normally be the same."
Use the scrollbars to adjust the ruler display on the monitor.="Use the scrollbars to adjust the ruler display on the monitor."
You can select metric or english rulers.="You can select metric or english rulers."
You can use the monitor size to check your adjustments; it should match the size of the visible screen area on your high resolution monitor.="You can use the monitor size to check your adjustments; it should match the size of the visible screen area on your high resolution monitor."
Save new desktop parameters and restart Windows with new settings!="Save new desktop parameters and restart Windows with new settings!"
Save new desktop parameters. New settings will be activated during next start of Windows.="Save new desktop parameters. New settings will be activated during next start of Windows."
Help on miroSUPERSCREEN Hotkey="Help on miroSUPERSCREEN Hotkey"
more Help...="more Help..."
No Zoom="No Zoom"
No TV Mode="No TV Mode"
Exit Help screen="Exit Help screen"
Save current settings.="Save current settings."
Restore all previous settings="Restore all previous settings"
All settings will be activated instantly!="All settings will be activated instantly!"
Invalid hotkey combinations will be disabled (gray) to force different hotkeys for both features.="Invalid hotkey combinations will be disabled (gray) to force different hotkeys for both features."
Unsupported functions will be disabled (gray) completely.="Unsupported functions will be disabled (gray) completely."